Slideshow - purse Slideshow - wrap Slideshow - baby hat Slideshow - doily blanket Slideshow - doily

What is TeWoBE?

About Me

About Me

TeWoBE is a start-up home business that specializes in the creation of yarn craft. Each item is personally and carefully handcrafted, which will hopefully bring a smile to your face.

Latest News

Latest News

I'll be adding latest news and project updates here, although I'll hopefully be spending most of my time knee deep in yarn! :)



Please take a few minutes to peruse my work. With the guidance of a wonderful artist friend of mine, I've built my first light box in order to take better lit, consistent pictures. Some of the photos in my gallery are unfortunately (happily) no longer with me, as they've found new homes with my customers, so please bear with me. I will be adding light box photographs of my work moving forward, but of the original photographs, there's not much recourse, short of removing them completely.



Some of those who have received my work have had some very kind words to share with me. Click here to read what they had to say.