
Gallery updated!

October 20, 2014

The newest hats and scarves that I made are up. Take a second to check out the newest images in the Gallery!

Another festival!

October 14, 2014

It's been a busy month preparing for another country music festival as well as fulfilling some special requests. This festival was a little bit more successful since I had some time to prepare for it, but even planning things out in advance didn't stop me from working until the very last minute! I got quite a few compliments, even from veteran knitters and crocheters, but I didn't make any sales until the last hour. Then, out of the blue, as people were starting to leave - some for the night, others for the last hours of music in the epic circus tent across the way - I made a few sales, which was a wonderful way to end the evening.

In the midst of my festival preparations, I also made a special order newborn baby hat for a friend of mine. Those are always gratifying to do because the new mom is always aglow with anticipation for the newest addition to her family, and it's a wonderful feeling to know that my creation is contributing to her excitement. She had a Winnie the Pooh theme going on, so even though there was no Winnie-the-Pooh embroidery on the hat, it at least matched the Pooh theme colors!

I've also been busy making some Halloween decorations for some folks, as well as my first pattern-free design for a coffee sleeve as a surprise gift for an old friend of mine to help promote Alzheimer's research and awareness. I'm inordinately proud of the coffee sleeve, not because it was my first pattern-free design (though I am), but because this was also my first attempt at embroidery. I originally tried to do "END AZH" but that wasn't as crisp of a design as I'd like. A little Googling here and there and I saw that Alzheimer's has a logo. I think I did a pretty decent job of embroidering that. Who would've thought a few strategically placed loopy stitches on a simple little coffee sleeve could make me so happy! :)

No new requests at the moment, so after taking the weekend off to work on a website for my dad, I'm going to start a new personal project this week. I'm thinking...arm warmers? Oh, and of course, I've got some new pictures that I've got to put up. Come back soon and check the Gallery!

The Gallery and Contact pages are up!

July 22, 2014

After a two week vacation, I'm back! During my vacation, I had the opportunity to show my work, set up a permanent advertisement at a family restaurant, and I even sold an item. Since returning from vacation, I've been concentrating on fleshing out my site, and I think that work has finally paid off.

After many hours and cups of coffee later, I'm pleased to be able to update this page with news that graphics have been created, portfolio images have been sized and uploaded, and the Contact form has been successfully tested (I got a lot of help on this bit!). Go on, check out the form for yourself. Send me a message!

Country Music Festival

June 18, 2014

Wish me luck! The Country Music Festival/Country Festival Familial is this week, and the items that they asked me to make for the children's raffle are getting their finishing touches. Not sure if I'll get copies of pictures of the winners and their prizes, but if I do, I'll be sure to post them up. Silly as it sounds, it's going to be hard to bid adieu to the pile of stuffed animals that I've had in my office for the past couple of months!


Another festival completed!

October 4, 2014

After 2 months of preparation, I finished another festival! Pictures up in the Gallery soon!

The website is now live!

June 24, 2014

At long last, the website is live. Live, but still in the works, so please bear with the changes. Feel free to look around in the meantime!

Current Project

Working hard!

Just finished up my own design for a coffee cup to help promote awareness for Alzheimer's. And now, inspired by the onset of cold weather, I'm going to tackle my first pair of arm warmers!